Lansdowne — Blog — Matt Richling - Ottawa Condos and Lofts - Ottawa Real Estate For Sale

Matt Richling is a licensed Salesperson with RE/MAX Hallmark Realty Group.


Condomania - Minto Offering Big Incentives

CondoMania Ottawa

Offering discounts of up to $50,000 on select units, Minto is making it more attractive than ever to purchase a unit at one of their developments. Only a few units are included (or should we say remain) with more expected to be available during the one day event. Dubbed "CondoMania", Minto is holding a sale at the Glebe Bank street sales office on Saturday October 24th at Noon till 6pm. The projects included are Lansdowne, Beechwood, and Upperwest! In addition to the up to $50,000 savings, buyers also will receive free parking and locker PLUS a pair of RedBlacks 2016 season tickets. 

For more information about the three developments, or to see sample units and pricing click here. If you are looking for assistance with purchase, fill out the form below - I would love to help.

2015 Housing Design Awards Winners

GOHBA Housing Design Awards

Put on by the Greater Ottawa Home Builders Association, the 32nd annual Housing Design Awards are so those in the industry are able to go head to head for recognition of their work in new home and condo construction and renovation in Ottawa. The winners include the city's top builders, designers, architects, and renovators, all competing in a range of categories based on size, budget, and style. There are over 50 awards handed out with some even chosen online by the general public. 

The Wavell Kitchen by Linebox Studio

A few of the winners this year include:

High-Rise Building (50 Units or More)
MInto and Barry J Hobin Architects for The Vibe (Lansdowne Park)

Mid to High-Rise Unit
Claridge Homes for the Lilac model at Fusion Development at LeBreton Flats

Custom Contemporary Kitchen (241sqft or more, $74,999 and under) 
LInebox Studio and Lake Partnership for the Wavell Kitchen

For a full list of this years winners, visit the Ottawa Citizen article here.

Minto Vibe at Lansdowne Now SOLD Out!

The Vibe, located at 118 Holmwood and Bank, is officially sold out. The Vibe is the first of two towers for Minto's Lansdowne project. The Vibe was a 13 storey, 125 unit, building with commercial space in the lower levels. Minto has a good history of building condos with The Metropole and Ampersand here in Ottawa, among others (in Ottawa, Toronto, and Florida). 

There are only twelve units available out of the 280 from both towers. Most of these condos are one plus dens, two plus dens, and some penthouse units that remain. Prices range from $424,900 for a 764sqft west facing unit, up to $1.3M for the 2002sqft northwest facing penthouse.

Sixty Second Chat: Mayor Jim Watson


Got a chance to speak with our Mayor, Jim Watson, about Ottawa, real estate, and his favourite late night snack. Note... he was elected as the youngest Mayor in Ottawa's history with 82% of the popular vote, has contributed his entire municipal severance payment of $31,000 to Ottawa's Union Mission for Men (in August of 2000), and gives regular party advice for residents of Ottawa.

What got you into politics?

I had been around politics for a number of years at that point working for the Speaker of the House of Commons. The short answer is that I hadn’t paid much attention to municipal politics but after I bought a house and looked at my property tax bill, I realized I better figure out where this money is going. Once I started following things more closely I decided that I thought I could help run things a little better and so I put my name forward.

You were voted in as Ottawa’s youngest mayor. What was that like?

 First and foremost, it was a honour for me that the residents of Ottawa would put their trust in me to lead our city. You are right that I was young but I had a fair bit of experience at that time and felt that I was ready for the job. I will say though that I’ve learned a lot between being elected in 1998 and serving as Mayor today in 2014.

What do you think the most important issues facing Ottawa?

Expanding the our light rail system, keeping taxes and programming costs at levels that are affordable to Ottawa’s residents, and making sure we do what we can to help our city’s most vulnerable.

What do you hope to accomplish for the city this coming year?

I hope to work collaboratively with the new Council so that we can move forward with LRT, cleaning up the Ottawa River, and keeping tax increases at or below 2% each year.

How was it to see Lansdowne Park re-open this year, a project you have been behind since the beginning?

It was great. After so many years of indecision at what should have long been a signature area of our city, it was amazing to finally see things move forward. Changing acres of asphalt and crumbling buildings into an urban park with lots of greenspace, retail and housing components, and a renovated stadium that brought with it our new CFL and North American Soccer League teams, was a major win for our city. Being there for that first sold-out REDBLACKS home opener and the opening of the Urban Park were both quite special to me and they are events I won’t soon forget.

Your answer to “How tall is too tall?” (when it comes condo buildings)

It’s too complex a question to answer with a definitive height. Every instance is, and should be looked at as, a different set of circumstances. What I have tried to do, along with the Planning Committee and my Council colleagues, is to bring a greater degree of certainty to the planning process. Certainty and predictability are what residents want from their neighbourhoods and I think we have made real progress towards ensuring that people can trust the plan that CDPs and the Official Plan have for their neighbourhood.

What is your favourite Ottawa secret that we might not know about, or should know about?

That per capita, our city gives the most to charity in Canada.

People say Ottawa is boring, what do you say to that?

People also say I’m boring! Personally, I think we’ve seen from the experience of other cities lately that a bit of boring is no bad thing from our politicians sometimes.

In terms of our City, I think that label is misplaced. We have an incredible array of festivals, multiple professional sports teams now, the Byward Market, and an incredibly diverse group of people who call Ottawa home. Go out and see new parts of the city and get involved in your community and you might soon realize that there’s a lot more going on in Ottawa than many naysayers would like you to believe.

You have knocked on a number of doors during your campaigns, a funny story that you can share?

I asked one woman if she would be willing to take a lawn sign to support me and she excitedly told me she had kept the last one for the past 4 years and was about to put it up! I guess that’s how my sign crew comes back with fewer signs than we started with at the beginning of the election.

You’re known for having some bets with other mayors, which was the best one?

Well I prefer the ones where the Sens win and I don’t have to do anything! But I did enjoy presenting New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg with an Ottawa Beavertail after the Senators lost to the Rangers a few years ago.

Justin Bieber or Miley Cyrus?

Ideally, neither.

Favourite late night Ottawa snack?

I like all of them! Hard to go wrong with a good poutine though.